On April 17, the Energy Community Secretariat organized an on-line meeting with the National Agency for Energy Regulation, Moldovagaz and Moldovatransgaz to analyze the implementation process of the action plan on unbundling Moldovatrangaz.
Moldovagaz and Moldovatransgaz have presented the latest information on implementing the agreed action plan. Despite the current COVID-19 health crisis, Moldovagaz is confident that all measures will be taken to ensure the independence of the natural gas transmission system operator (TSO) Moldovatransgaz and that all the documents to certify the unbundling of Moldovatrangaz according to the independent transmission operator model will be submitted to ANRE in due time. The scheduled deadline for submitting the application to ANRE is October 1, 2020.
The next online meeting is expected to take place at the end of May.