On 25 July 2019, the Council of Experts of the National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) had its first meeting. The meeting started with a presentation of the activities that are currently carried out by the ANRE. In this regard, the heads of ANRE departments reported on the measures taken to implement ANRE's Activity Plan for the current year.
The meeting participants have welcomed the creation of the Council of Experts and appreciated ANRE availability to provide the necessary information, and consultations for the interested parties. ANRE will continue to focus on transparency in the process of drafting and adopting regulatory acts in order to provide precise and objective information to consumers and society. The participants at the meeting accepted that the important subjects, including subjects on tariff policy, would be discussed and consulted beforehand with the members of the Council of Experts in order to get a better reasoning and an impartial expertise.
The members of the Council of Experts shared their views on the possible increase in electricity tariffs. ANRE specialists presented the preliminary calculations of the tariffs and the reasons behind it. The examination of the tariffs and the approval of the final decisions will be done in a public hearing of the Administration Council of ANRE, scheduled to take place in August this year.
The Council of Experts was created to assist the Administration Council of ANRE in the process of drafting normative regulatory acts. The mission of the Council of Experts is to develop and promote the partnership between ANRE, civil society, the academics and the private sector in order to operate in an efficient and transparent manner in the regulated sectors, and to strengthen the role of interested parties in identifying and resolving strategic issues.