On April 24, 2024, the representatives of the National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE) held a working meeting with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Ms. Clara Mira.
During the meeting, IMF team addressed several topics related to the security of natural gas and electricity supply, the deadline for the certification of the natural gas transmission system operator, aspects related to tariff-setting process for electricity and natural gas, the current solutions to mitigate the impact of high energy prices on consumers, the energy efficiency projects and the building renovation program in Chișinău, and other regulatory aspects of the electricity and natural gas sectors.
The director of ANRE, Alexandru Ursu pointed out that due to the regional context and a proactive attitude of the authorities during the last two years, the Republic of Moldova has managed to diversify its natural gas supply sources. The opportunity to import natural gas in reverse flow via the Trans-Balkan pipeline has reduced the potential risks of supply disruptions. The director of ANRE added however that there some concerns related to the supply of electricity due to ongoing war in Ukraine and limited capacities to connect to the high voltage power lines of the EU.
The IMF team has reaffirmed its commitment to assist Republic of Moldova in the process of reforming and developing its energy sector.