The National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE)
Info Line 08001 0008

Basic functions

Basic functions

ANRE implements the state policy in the regulation of the energy sectors, ensures the regulation and monitoring of an efficient functioning of the energy market and conducting energy sector activities based on accessibility, availability, reliability, continuity, fair competition and transparency, while respecting the standards of quality, security and environmental protection.

In order to accomplish its mission of ensuring non-discrimination, fair competition and efficient functioning of the energy market, ANRE performs the following basic functions:

  1. Elaborates and approves regulations, methodologies and other normative acts in the energy sector in cases provided by the legislation;
  2. Supervises the activity of the energy sectors and the way the energy sector enterprises comply with the normative acts;
  3. Promotes, monitors and ensures fair competition in regulated sectors;
  4. Issues licenses for conducting authorized activities on the energy markets in accordance with the Law on Energy, No.174 of September 21st2017, Law on petroleum products market No.461-XV of July 30th 2001; Law on electricity No.107 of May 27th 2016, La on natural gas of May 27th2016 and the Law no.451-XV on regulation through authorization of the entrepreneurial activity No. 160 of July 22nd 2011;
  5. Monitors and controls the compliance of the licensees with the conditions of conducting authorized activities, in a manner and within the limits set by the laws mentioned above;
  6. Modifies, temporarily suspends and withdraws licenses in the cases and in accordance with the procedure set by the laws mentioned above;
  7. Promotes an appropriate tariff policy that is consistent with the market economy principles so as to ensure the protection of the end-user rights and the profitability of energy companies;
  8. Approves the tariffs calculated according to ANRE approved methodologies and monitors if these are applied correctly, in cases stipulated by the law;
  9. Supervises the compliance of the energy sector enterprises with the principle of "maximum efficiency at minimum costs" when calculating tariffs for regulated activities and submitting them for approval;
  10. Promotes the protection of consumers rights and their legal interests, exercises control over the way the consumer rights are respected, examines consumer petitions and complaints, and resolves the misunderstandings between consumers and suppliers within the limits of their competence.