The National Agency for Energy Regulation of the Republic of Moldova (ANRE)
Info Line 08001 0008

Natural Gas


Renewable Energy

Thermal energy

Petroleum products

Water supply and sewerage

State Energy Supervision


Maximum Price Calculation
For Gasoline 95 standard type
on 03.10.2024
Compound Value lei / liter
PL*CV 9,37
MC 3,28
AC 6,26
TVA 3,78
PC 22,69
PL - the average value of the average quotations for 14 days prior to the day of the calculation; CV - the average official exchange rate of the national currency against the US dollar, established by the National Bank of Moldova: for 14 days prior to the day of the calculation; MC- the specific commercial margin for the retail sale of standard petroleum products includes transport and insurance costs to the territory of the Republic of Moldova (including the refinery margin), handling and storage costs, other retail costs and profit / loss, lei / liter. The size of the specific commercial margin is established every six months by ANRE; AC- excise duty rate applied in accordance with the Fiscal Code of the Republic of Moldova; VAT - VAT rate applied in accordance with the Fiscal Code of the Republic of Moldova; PC- the maximum retail price.
Maximum Price Calculation
For Diesel standard type
on 03.10.2024
Compound Value lei / liter
PL*CV 9,83
MC 3,29
AC 2,94
TVA 3,21
PC 19,27
PL - the average value of the average quotations for 14 days prior to the day of the calculation; CV - the average official exchange rate of the national currency against the US dollar, established by the National Bank of Moldova: for 14 days prior to the day of the calculation; MC- the specific commercial margin for the retail sale of standard petroleum products includes transport and insurance costs to the territory of the Republic of Moldova (including the refinery margin), handling and storage costs, other retail costs and profit / loss, lei / liter. The size of the specific commercial margin is established every six months by ANRE; AC- excise duty rate applied in accordance with the Fiscal Code of the Republic of Moldova; VAT - VAT rate applied in accordance with the Fiscal Code of the Republic of Moldova; PC- the maximum retail price.